
Building community-supported microbiome data science capabilities.

Flow of information from sample to metadata index and search.
The NMDC Phase I (funded through the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research program) aims to deliver community-supported microbiome data science capabilities that include:

Standards with expert curation

  • Map existing ontologies and standard vocabularies to the rich contextual metadata used to describe sample collection and processing.
  • Use ontology mapping tools and curation resources to enable automated annotation of standardized metadata to adhere to the FAIR principles.

FAIR Principles

  • Findable: ensure all data registered within NMDC are human and machine readable
  • Accessible: identify data sets that are available, including any authentication and authorization requirements
  • Interoperable: provide provenance, metadata, and uniformly processed data, we are lowering the barriers to making data interoperable.
  • Reusable: enable download of data, data products, and workflows for external reprocessing

Gold-standard pipelines

  • Develop microbiome workflows for metagenome, metatranscriptome, metaproteome, and metabolomics data processing leveraging high performance compute (HPC) systems
  • Generate and integrate interoperable and reusable microbiome data from pilot data providers

Data integration and access

  • Iteratively develop a graphical web-based interface that streamlines search, data exploration, and discovery.
  • Provide access to FAIR multidisciplinary data and standardized, reproducible data products for comparative analyses
  • Provide programmatic interfaces that can be leveraged directly by all Collaborators, or link to existing platforms for advanced analyses and visualization.

Current Developments

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